"Inspiration" Next Stop at Hong Kong Science Museum
Breaking the record on 13 November 2016, B-KOO Inspiration is Hong Kong’s FIRST homebuilt and locally registered aircraft to complete a...


「香港起飛」完成三個月的環球之旅,成為香港首架自行裝嵌及註冊,並以香港作為出發地及完成環球之旅的飛機,締造歷史! 環球之旅在今年8月28日開始,在長達約50,000公里的飛行之旅中,香港起飛號曾到訪45個機場、共20個國家,當中包括菲律賓、澳洲、太平洋群島、美國、葡萄牙、約...

Welcome Home “Inspiration”!
Breaking the record, B-KOO Inspiration is Hong Kong’s FIRST homebuilt and locally registered aircraft to complete a 3-month Round the...

「香港起飛」將於十一月十三日(星期日)上午凱旋回港,並於降落前約上午十時在維港上空進行低飛。 兩天後,「香港起飛」將會成為香港首架本土自行裝嵌及註冊,更以香港作為出發及完成三個月環球之旅的飛機! 自從八月二十八日環球之旅開始,「香港起飛」飛越五萬公里,曾到過約二十五...

“Inspiration” is Coming Home!
Inspiration is planning to return to Hong Kong on the morning of Sunday, 13 November, with a flyby across Victoria Harbour at around...

B-KOO “Inspiration” Round the World Journey Departure
Today marks a historical and record-breaking moment in Hong Kong aviation history – Inspiration is about to become Hong Kong’s FIRST...

今天是香港航空史上具歷史性和破紀錄的一刻 ——「香港起飛」即將成為香港首架本土自行裝嵌及註冊,更以香港作為出發及完成環球之旅的飛機! 「香港起飛」將於2016年8至11月,帶著本地登記標誌「B-KOO」環球飛行。「香港起飛」會越過所有經線及南北極圈外的大部份緯線,飛行大約5...

Inspiration's Round-the-World Journey Commences
It took 7 years for the Americans to go to the Moon, but it has taken 8 years for Hank and the Inspiration team to build the FIRST...
Three Days To Go!
We are excited to announce that Captain Hank Cheng will pilot Inspiration (B-KOO), Hong Kong’s FIRST homebuilt and registered aircraft,...